Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash
Do you ever get the sense that something is biting you in the middle of the night? You may even wake up with bites or itchy spots. If you own a pet, your first thought may be that they have fleas, especially if they sleep on or near your bed at night.
If you’re confident your dog doesn’t have fleas, there are actually a few other possibilities to explore. It’s time to play detective in your home, and we have a few ways to help you solve the mystery.
Bed Bugs: These bugs are similar to flea bites, but they hide in mattresses, bed frames, and such. They only come out at night.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash
Mites: A variety of mites exist, but dust mites may be the most likely culprit, especially if there is a lot of dust in the room. A scabies mite is another possibility and can burrow into the skin and lay eggs.
Spiders: Spiders aren’t quite as common, but many will bite humans.
Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can and will survive indoors. They’re usually more active at night, which could explain getting bitten while you sleep.
Other Insects: Small ants, beetles, and other insects could bite you at night. You’d likely see their presence during the day. They may be attracted to a food source nearby.

Image by Adriana Morales from Pixabay
How to Address the Issue
If you’re able to identify the source of the bites, you can focus on the problem – either with over-the-counter products, a fumigation service, or something else. You may have to inspect your bedding and nearby areas.
If you’re unable to identify the source, it may be necessary to hire a professional pest control company. They can do the necessary inspections and even make recommendations on how to prevent issues in the future.
Once it’s over, you can sleep peacefully without getting bitten while you snooze.