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Louis C.K. Dropped A New Comedy Special For ‘Those Who Need To Laugh’

In the last few weeks while most (but not all) of the nation is quarantining, entertainers have stepped up by offering their services, often from the comfort of their own homes. Late night hosts have brought back their shows using webcams, musicians have played songs or even live shows, and actors have recited Shakespeare. Everyone’s doing it — so why not “cancelled” stand-up comedians, too?

As per The Hollywood Reporter, on Saturday Louis C.K. — who’s been largely (but not entirely) AWOL since he was accused of sexual misconduct back in 2017, claims he confirmed as true — dropped a new stand-up special onto his website. It’s entitled Sincerely Louis C.K., and if you’re someone who still enjoys his work despite…all that, it can be yours to download for $7.99.

In a press release, C.K. tacitly confirmed that the special was made live because of the coronavirus, and that it was here to help relieve stress and pass the time.

“I feel like there are two kinds of people in this world,” C.K. said in the statement. “One kind needs to laugh when things get shitty. In fact, the shittier things get, the more serious, the more dark the more terrifying, the more dangerous and dire anything is, the more important it is to laugh in the midst of it and often directly in its face.”

He added, “These people believe it’s no coincidence that human beings have survived despite our fragile hairless bodies, through the most difficult of times And that we are the only species, besides ladybugs, Who laugh at life.”

So it’s up to you. If you want to download a new Louis C.K. special, you can do so here.

(Via THR)