By now, in some form or another, much of the United States is opened for business as coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns have loosened countrywide. While we’re far from “back to normal” even states with high populations like Florida, Texas, and Georgia are operating at reduced capacities and are, in many ways, acting as testing grounds that will influence the decisions of the hardest-hit states in the pandemic like New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and California.
For the most part, we still can’t go to bars, movie theaters, or clubs, but the days of letting our hair grow to unseemly lengths seem to be behind us. While there are a handful of states that are still locked down, most of the stay at home and shelter in place orders are set to expire by the close of the month. To help get a better picture of what is and isn’t allowed in which states, we’ve compiled the current lockdown status of each of the 50 states. Also keep in mind that some states, like Hawaii and Montana, still require visitors to self-quarantine for 14 days upon their arrival.
Non-work gatherings of any size are now permitted in the state of Alabama, though people are ordered to maintain a 6-foot distance from others, including in houses of worship. Gyms, barbershops, nail salons, restaurants, bars, and breweries have been given the go-ahead to reopen, with modified rules that cover increased sanitation and social distancing.
Theaters, casinos, bowling alleys, and night clubs are to remain closed until at least May 22nd when the issue will be reevaluated.
Dine-in restaurants are now open in the state of Alaska, but may not exceed 50% of their capacity and must seat people with social distancing in mind. Bars and indoor fitness classes are opened at 25% capacity and religious gatherings of 50 people are now permitted.
Salons in Alaska may admit customers by reservation only.
Retail stores in the state of Arizona are now opened, though strict physical distancing measures are in place. Restaurants may offer dine-in services, with further guidance expected later this week.
Since May 4th, gyms, fitness centers, and other indoor athletic facilities have been opened. Barbershops and nail salons are open for business and restaurants may resume dine-in operations at 1/3rd their normal capacity, with a cap of 10 on single parties.
In-person worship has been permitted, though the state still suggests places of worship continuing utilizing online platforms.
California is still actively under a stay-at-home order, though some restrictions have been lifted. Beaches throughout the state are permitted for active-use, and retail spaces have begun to reopen for curbside service only.
Colorado’s “safer-at-home” order will remain in place until May 27th. Retail businesses are now open for curbside delivery, and non-essential in-person office work has been permitted since May 4th. Governor Jared Polis will make an announcement regarding restaurant reopening on May 25th.
Outdoor restaurants, zoos, and museums are set to open on May 20th. Hair and nail salons and some offices are now open with modified social distancing measures. Outdoor dining spaces, retail stores, malls, and museums will be allowed to reopen with some restrictions.
Restrictions on beaches and community pools will be lifted on May 22nd. Delaware’s stay-at-home order is in effect until May 31st. Residents aged 13 years or older are required to wear face masks in public.
Washington D.C.
Washington D.C.’s Stay at Home Order has been extended until June 8th. All nonessential businesses are to remain closed.
Much of the state of Florida has been opened since May 4th. Restaurants and retail services are now open and operating at 25% capacity, though gyms, bars, movie theaters, and salons are to remain closed.
Gyms, bowling alleys, tattoo parlors, barbers, nail salons, massage therapists, theaters are restaurants are now opened throughout the state of Georgia with capacity limits, social distancing measures, and occasional temperature screenings.
Bars, nightclubs, and music venues will remain closed until further notice. Medically fragile people and the elderly are under a shelter-in-place order until June 12th.
Since May 7th, shopping malls, pet grooming services, elective surgery, car washes, and in-person businesses have been operational with social distancing measures in place. Beaches across the island are open for active use, and in Kauai gatherings of up to 10 are permitted along the beach.
Anyone visiting the state must still be subjected to a 14-day immediate quarantine upon arrival.
Some retail and worships centers may open with social distancing measures in place. Bars, gyms, and theaters must remain closed until further notice. Governor Brad Little has indicated Idaho is close to entering phase two of reopening, in which restaurant dining and salons would be permitted to open, though gatherings must be limited to 10 people.
Illinois is under a modified stay-at-home order until the end of May. Individuals may leave their homes for essential activities, outdoor activity, or nonessential surgery. Parks, golf courses, and retail spaces are now open with social distancing measures in place.
People may gather in groups of up to 25 people in the state of Indiana. Retail and commercial business is open at half capacity, as well as restaurants and bars.
Much of the state of Iowa is open. Individuals may go to restaurants, fitness centers, retail spaces, and malls at 50% capacity. All businesses and spaces open must comply with social distancing measures. Governor Kim Reynolds is expected to lift further restrictions sometime in June.
Restaurants, libraries, child care families, campgrounds, tanning facilities, and medical spas may open following public health guidelines and increase safety measures. Malls and retail spaces are open at 50% capacity.
Bars, casinos, gyms, and nightclubs remain closed until further notice.
Currently, retail spaces and houses of worship are allowed to reopen. On Friday, May 22nd restaurants will reopen at 33% capacity, with barbershops and salons set to open by Sunday of that week. Beginning on June 1st, Kentucky residents will be allowed to go to movie theaters and fitness centers again.
Further restrictions are set to be lifted throughout the summer.
Restaurants in Louisiana may now offer outdoor seating, but customers who opt to enjoy their meals outside won’t be served by the wait staff. All businesses are under a mask requirement, and retail spaces are permitted to offer curbside service.
Barbershops, bars, and casinos are to remain closed until further notice.
Maine is currently under a stay-at-home order that is set to expire on May 31st. Under the current order, barbershops, salons, auto dealerships, and drive-in religious services are permitted so long as they follow social distancing measures.
Religious facilities and retail establishments in the state of Maryland are now open and operating at 50% capacity. Beauty salons are now open to offer hair services only along with barbershops. Masks are required in public, and outdoor activities like golf courses, shooting rangers, marinas, campgrounds, and horse riding facilities are now open.
Restaurants, bars, fitness centers, and theaters are to remain closed until further notice.
Massachusetts is working in tandem with other Northeastern states in its reopening process. Since May 18th, manufacturing and construction services were permitted to begin operation. Religious services have resumed, and gun shops and shooting ranges have reopened. On May 25th, car washes, hair salons, pet groomers, drive-in movie theaters, and laboratories are permitted to resume operation.
All retail spaces must follow struct social distancing guidelines for customers and employees.
Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s stay-at-home order is set to expire on May 28th. As of May 18th, restrictions have been lifted in the Upper Peninsula and Traverse city areas allowing retail spaces, office work, and restaurants and bars to operate at 50% capacity.
Minnesota’s stay-at-home order ended on May 18. Retail spaces are now open at 50% capacity and social gatherings of less than 10 are now permitted.
Mississippi’s state-wide safer at home order is scheduled to expire on May 25th. Restaurants, tattoo parlors, and casinos may begin reopening so long as they follow social distancing measures.
Indoor retail businesses are now open, operating at 25% capacity. Rules are based on a community to community basis, with no limit to social gatherings so long as six feet of distance can be maintained between individuals. Restrictions are expected to be loosened throughout the summer.
Restaurants, bars, and breweries have been open since May 4th, though they are operating with strict safety measures in place and are limited to operating at a portion of their full capacity.
All travelers visiting the state of Montana are required to self-quarantine for 14 days after arrival.
Beginning June 1st, dine-in restaurants, gyms, and pools may operate at 75% capacity. Residents are discouraged from gathering in groups larger than 50.
Restaurants throughout the state of Nebraska are now open, operating at 50% capacity. Salons, massage parlors, and tattoo shops are open to no more than 10 people at a time and customers must wear face masks.
Restaurants are open for dine-in services with strict social distancing measures in place. Retail establishments and salons are now open and operating at 50% capacity. Bars, bowling alleys, tattoo parlors, and casinos will remain closed until further notice.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire is under a modified stay-at-home order until May 31st. Retail stores and restaurants offering outdoor dining are now open, operating at 50% capacity. Customers and employees must wear face masks.
New Jersey
New Jersey is reopening in tandem with surrounding states. Currently, New Jersey residents may leave their homes to obtain essential services, visit family or other individuals with a close relation, and exercise freely. Social distancing should be practiced in public, and face masks are required upon leaving home.
New Mexico
New Mexico’s stay at home order is set to expire on May 31st. Some businesses in the state are now open, operating at 25% capacity, though malls, restaurants providing dine-in services, salons, and gyms are to remain closed until further notice. Face masks are required of all residents in public.
New York
New York is slowly beginning to reopen in the regions of Central New York, North Country, Finger Lakes, Southern Tier, and Mohawk Valley. In a two-week phased process, construction, manufacturing, curbside retail, agriculture, forestry, and fishing services and businesses will resume. Other areas of the state remain closed until further notice.
North Carolina
On May 20th, Governor Roy Cooper indicated that North Carolina may now enter Phase 2 of the state’s reopening plan. Phase two indicates that places of worship, bars, and restaurants may open at reduced capacity. Vulnerable populations are advised to continue staying home.
North Dakota
Bars, restaurants, recreational facilities, fitness centers, salons, and tattoo studios are open throughout the state of North Dakota, operating at reduced capacity. Movie theaters are now open at 20% capacity, though two seats between guests are required.
Ohio’s stay at home order is set to expire on May 29th. Some retail services and businesses are open, though spaces must maintain social distancing. Gyms and fitness centers are set to open on May 26th.
Restaurants, dining rooms, movie teachers, and sporting venues have been opened throughout the state since April 24th with strict sanitation procedures and social distancing measures in place. Bars remain closed until further notice. Restrictions are set to be loosened throughout the summer.
The state of Oregon is currently in a legal battle regarding the state’s stay at home order after a rural judge declare the coronavirus restrictions to be unlawful and void. Oregon’s Supreme Court has halted the judge’s order, and the stay at home order will be held up until further notice. Governor Kate Brown’s order was set to expire on July 6th.
Some restrictions throughout certain counties have been lifted throughout the state.
Pennsylvania has begun to reopen in three different phases on a county by county basis. Counties still in the “red phase” are under a stay at home order until June 4th and must continue to stay home except to seek essential services.
Rhode Island
Currently, retail spaces, state parks, and places of worship are open, operating at reduced capacity and with increased sanitation guidelines and requirements. Movie theaters, bowling alleys, museums, gyms, salons, and barbershops will remain closed until further notice. Rhode Island is working in conjunction with other Northeastern states in a phased reopening.
South Carolina
Beaches and some retail spaces throughout the state are now open, operating at reduced capacity and with social distancing measures in place. Restaurant dining rooms, gyms, and public pools have been reopened since May 18th, operating at limited capacity.
South Dakota
South Dakota never issued a stay at home order.
Tennessee’s stay at home order is set to expire on May 30th. Restaurants, retail spaces, and gyms have been reopened in certain counties in the state. Counties with high COVID-19 concentrations are under strict restrictions.
Restaurants throughout the state may increase capacity from 25% to 50% beginning on May 22nd. Bars and craft breweries are set to reopen at 25% capacity on May 22nd. School districts are set to reopen for summer classes beginning on June 1st. Retail spaces throughout the state have been open since May 1st at reduced capacity.
The state of Utah is currently under “moderate risk” protocols, which are outlined in detail on their website. Most restrictions on retail businesses, gyms, salons and other public gathering spaces expired on May 1st and reopened businesses are directed to operate with extreme precaution at reduced capacities.
Restrictions have been lifted throughout the state since May 15th. Residents are advised to continue to practice social distancing in public and wear face masks. People visiting the state are being advised to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. Businesses throughout the state are now open operating at reduced capacity.
Virginia’s stay at home order is set to expire on June 10th. Individuals are advised to stay home except to seek essential services.
Washington’s stay at home order is set to expire on May 31st. Some counties across the state have been permitted to enter phase two of reopening, which includes reopening in-store retail spaces, barbershops, restaurants, and salons operating at 50% capacity.
West Virigina
Beginning May 21st, indoor dining and shopping malls will be reopened at limited capacity. Beginning on May 26th, bars may open at 50% capacity, and museums, visitors centers, and zoos may reopen. Retail spaces throughout the state are open operating at limited capacity.
Wisconsin’s stay at home order was deemed unlawful by the Wisconsin Supreme Court on May 13th. The state is reopened with social distancing advisories.
Bars and restaurants able to implement social distancing are now open, along with movie theaters and salons at reduced capacity. All restaurant employees must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before beginning work.
Health orders throughout the state are set to expire on May 31st.