Here are your quick and dirty, editorial-free AEW Dynamite results for May 27, 2020. The show featured an Inner Circle Pep Rally, a Battle Royal to determine the Number One Contender to the TNT Championship, and more. Make sure you’re here tomorrow for the complete Ins and Outs of AEW Dynamite column.
AEW Dynamite Results:
— The show opened with the Inner Circle surrounded by boxes of “Inner Circle: Stadium Stampede Champions” T-shirts that they had printed before the match. Santana revealed that they’ve got a whole truck full of them.
— Broken Matt Hardy is excited to team with the Young Bucks, but at their request he reverts to an earlier persona.
1. The Young Bucks and Matt Hardy defeated Private Party and Joey Janela. Isiah Kassidy took a superkick and a More Bang For Your Buck and got pinned. After the match, Matt Hardy helped an injured Marq Quen to the back.
Top Guys. IN. @CashWheelerFTR @DaxHarwood #FTR
#AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/nftN5o5Cus
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) May 28, 2020
— The Butcher and the Blade attacked the Young Bucks in the ring. Then FTR (the Top Guys formerly known as the Revival) drove an old-fashioned truck into the arena and ran to the ring. After a brief staredown with the bucks, they attacked the Butch and Blade.
— Jon Moxley joined the commentary team and explained that he was there to watch Brian Cage in action.
2. Brian Cage (with Taz) defeated Lee Johnson. Cage threw Johnson all over the ring, then pinned him with the Drill Claw.
— Taz cut a promo about how Cage will tear Mox’s heart out at Fyter Fest.
Dr. @RealBrittBaker will return… until then, she’ll be keeping a very, very close eye on all of you. #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/lsVBymvkbF
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) May 28, 2020
— Britt Baker, with the help of photos, a cork board, and red string, claimed that her injury wasn’t an accident but a conspiracy, which Kris Statlander, Hikaru Shida, and Nyla Rose are all conspirators, with Aubrey Edwards as the ringleader. Doctor Baker said she’ll be back for All Out.
— Chris Jericho was yelling at Alex Marvez about how great their pep rally was going to be, when Orange Cassidy wandered through the frame behind him, angering Jericho.
3. Hikaru Shida defeated Christi Jaynes. Shida hit the Falcon Arrow to pin Jaynes.
Let’s just check in with @theAdamPage and @KennyOmegamanX… #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/ePe9xR3FAq
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) May 28, 2020
— During the commercial break, we saw Hangman Adam Page and Kenny Omega watching the show from a sofa. Page noticed they were on TV, and stared into the camera.
— Cody Rhodes cut a promo about how he plans to do weekly open challenges for the TNT Championship.
4. Kip Sabian (with Penelope Ford) and Jimmy Havoc defeated SCU. Penelope Ford averted the SCU Later by grabbing Frankie Kazarian’s leg, and Jimmy Havoc pinned Scorpio Sky.
— MJF said that since he’s undefeated, he shouldn’t even have to win a battle royal to get a title shot, but with Wardlow’s help he’ll do it anyway. Wardlow seemed reluctant to let MJF win if it comes down to the two of them, but he backs down.
5. Jungle Boy won the Battle Royal, last eliiminating Orange Cassidy, and became the Number One Contender for the TNT Championship.
All @IAmJericho wanted to do was bring the world more pep… and this is how Tyson repays him? So much for the Inner Circle Pep Rally! #AEWDynamite #AEWonTNT pic.twitter.com/B3LRW3pVML
— TDE Wrestling (@tde_gif) May 28, 2020
— Vicki Guerrero and a bunch of cheerleaders introduced the Inner Circle for their pep rally. They’ weren’t in the best mood because they lost, but they gave each other presence to cheer themselves up, and Jake Hager read a creepy poem. Jericho said the gift he really wants is Mike Tyson’s head on a platter. Sammy Guevara revealed that the cheese platter and bubbly have already been consumed. Then Mike Tyson entered with his entourage. Jericho demanded an apology for being knocked out by Tyson years ago, and a brawl ensued. The locker room emptied out, and Jericho and Tyson were separated.