A judge has ordered Rich The Kid to pay over $300,000 after his landlord sued him for skipped rent and damages to a Hollywood Hills mansion. According to legal documents acquired by Bossip and reviewed by Uproxx, Rich was sued in January of 2019 for failing to pay $22,500 in rent — an amount which ballooned when the chairman of the trust that owns the mansion alleged that “special damages” had occurred while he was in residence.
Haikuhe Chichyan, the trustee, reported that in addition to the initial back owed $22,500, Rich and his entourage used $7,376 in utilities, while a $2,500 late fee was tacked on when he failed to pay. However, Rich either didn’t have the $32,376 or thought other things were more important than catching up on his rent, as he failed to respond and the judge issued a default judgment against him, ordering him to pay the full amount of $323,214. Among the damages alleged by Chichyan, Rich and his friends broke the saltwater pool system by overheating it to almost 100 degrees, destroyed the entertainment system, and let dogs poop on the hardwood floors.
That’s not the least of Rich’s money troubles to date. Earlier this month, it was reported that he was also being sued for $234,000 for an unpaid jewelry tab, as well as by his management company for $3.5 million. At this rate, he may need a name change — and that house from Parasite to hide in from all these bill collectors.
Read the case documents here.