The Oscars recently turned two categories into one when Best Sound Editing and Best Sound Mixing became Best Sound, saving all of, like, three minutes. To paraphrase a movie that the Academy ignored, I disagree, Oscars. I disagree. If anything, the Oscar should add more categories, including Best Stunts and Best Posters. The movie poster is a dying art — it’s all floating heads, Endgame-style overcrowding, and blue and orange color schemes — but every so often, you’ll see a poster that deserves to be hung in a college dorm room (it’s time to retire the Fight Club poster forever), or a museum.
In the case of Da 5 Bloods, it’s posters.
Now Our Fight Is For Social Justice Plus Too Many Issues To List At This Moment In Time And Space. DA 5 BLOODS Streams On Netflix In Da Year Of Our Lawd 2020 June 12th. YA-DIG
— Spike Lee (@SpikeLeeJoint) June 4, 2020
“Now Our Fight Is For Social Justice Plus Too Many Issues To List At This Moment In Time And Space. DA 5 BLOODS Streams On Netflix In Da Year Of Our Lawd 2020 June 12th. YA-DI? SHO-NUFF. And Dat’s Da ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER,’TRUTH,RUTH,” director Spike Lee tweeted on Thursday, while showcasing the stunning new poster for his Netflix film, Da 5 Bloods. It shows a black clenched fist, a symbol of black power and solidarity, under a Vietnam War helmet with “Our Fight Is Not in Vietnam” hovering above. It’s stunning, and it’s not the only great Da 5 Bloods poster we’ve seen. (I can’t find the artist or artists behind the posters, but if it’s you, I don’t care how much you’re getting paid, it’s not enough.)

If only they could be seen in movie theaters across the country. Alas. Da 5 Bloods, which stars Chadwick Boseman, Delroy Lindo, Clarke Peters, Norm Lewis, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Jonathan Majors, and Paul Walter Hauser, premieres on Netflix on June 12.