While using her social media presence to support #BlackLivesMatter, Riverdale actress Vanessa Morgan took her activism one step further by making a bold stand for Black actors in Hollywood.
In passionate Twitter post, Morgan criticized how Black actors are too often cast in one-dimensional, stereotypical roles that are pushed to the side to keep the focus on more fully developed white characters. Morgan also made a brave move by including Riverdale in her criticism and revealing that the show pays her less than her white co-stars. After receiving a wave of support for speaking out, she vowed to no longer accept roles that don’t properly represent Black lives.
Now, Riverdale creator Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa has responded. Not only does he voice support of Morgan voicing her criticisms, but he openly admits that she’s right and that the show must do better:
“We hear Vanessa. We love Vanessa. She’s right. We’re sorry and we make the same promise to you that we did to her. We will do better to honor her and the character she plays. As well as all of our actors and characters of color. CHANGE is happening and will continue to happen. Riverdale will get bigger, not smaller. Riverdale will be part of the movement, not outside it. All of the Riverdale writers made a donation to @BLMLA, but we know where the work must happen for us. In the writers’ room.”
You can see Aguirre-Sacasa’s full statement below.
#hearvanessamorgan @BLMLA #riverdale
— RobertoAguirreSacasa (@WriterRAS) June 5, 2020
As of this writing, Morgan hasn’t publicly responded to Aguirre-Sacasa’s promise to improve Riverdale‘s treatment of Black actors, but she did retweet it to her followers. Judging by the replies, they’ll be keeping a close eye on whether the showrunner stays true to his word.