Parents teach their kids lots of things: how to share with others, how to ride a bike, and if you’re lucky they might even share their secret family recipe with you. But how to be a good partner? That’s a topic that’s not usually at the forefront of the parental guidelines. Yet, Doug Weaver’s mom did exactly that, with her multi-year “Husbands in Training” Program.
Doug, now grown and married, recounts the details of his mom’s curriculum in his viral TikTok video, where he shares exactly what he learnt in this course… and just how well it worked.
The training covered everything from chivalry, to etiquette, to consent, and even porn – specifically, ethics in the porn industry. The latter, something that most teens might find hard to discuss with anyone, let alone their mom. But it’s an important conversation nonetheless, and one that, in the Weaver household, came with quizzes. Yes, he did say quizzes, and Doug has already not-so-jokingly threatened to resurface one of them from the depths of his laptop.
@dougweaverart Husbands in training! #parenting #storytime #story
Husbands in training! #parenting #storytime #story
While respecting and honoring women was at the forefront of the lessons, Doug’s mom also covered other topics like: listening, how to handle a situation where your partner’s wrong and how to approach them in public with a grievance vs. in private. In his video, Doug sums up the lessons as being: “all of the things that really just make you a decent human being”.
Which apparently aren’t as obvious as some might think! Because once Doug made it to high school, Doug’s father, “realized that a lot of the things [his sons] were learning from [their] mom, were things that he was never taught growing up. So he decided that he also wanted to take ‘Husbands in Training’,” and as Doug says, they all learned, “to be better men from [their] mom.”
If you’re wondering if there was ever an end to the training, or if it just continued indefinitely, you’ll be glad to know that there was a high matriculation rate. On each of her son’s wedding days, Doug’s mom delivered a signed certificate to the groom informing them that they had officially completed the program. They were no longer in training, they were now husbands – and ready for the job.
But looking back on it, what did Doug really think of this multi-year program? Well, it got some mixed reviews. While Doug feels that there are parts of Husbands in Training that “should never see the light of day” (like the oh-so-detailed porn quiz) he revealed that other parts will be revived for his own Husbands in Training course that he hopes to complete with his son.
As for the rest of us, we’ll have to keep waiting for one of the Weaver boys to share their notes